Garden Class Lavender

If you are not familiar with lavender, it is amazing in many ways.  Not limited to it thrives in heat, once established it’s drought tolerant.


It’s Beautiful!










Obviously, the smell, which is what so many think of.

The plants also help to repel mice/rats, fleas, moths, mosquitos, and ticks. This is because lavender contains a non-toxic compound called linalool, which is used in many pest control products. Lavender also often deters spiders and ants.


Here it is planted next to the base of the house.  When the windows are open, you have a great scent; double duty as a pest deterrent.










There are such a lot of colors of lavender along with a variety of types..  most common in our area are the English and the Spanish.

They are fabulous grouped with other flowers too.








Our Garden Classes are based on having great information.  We know plants are expensive, but our time and labor are also important.  Knowledgeable people with formal education, botanists, or horticulturist help us to choose the right plants, along with the importance of increasing our success in our gardens.

Free classes and advice from ‘sales associates’ at the big box stores have proven unreliable, and in many cases, I was aware I was being given completely wrong information.   A complete novice would never know and feel it was their fault their plant died or didn’t grow as it should.    The old saying… in many cases, you got exactly what you paid for… Nothing… and it did harm.     Knowledge is indeed power.