Organic … more then a grocery store section

I LOVE how many parents go out of their way to buy quality fruits, veggies etc. for themselves and their kiddos. Hats off to you for the extra effort.

Now if we go another step as many of you have with your own mini veggie gardens even better! Teaching your littles where their food comes from and how it grows. Showing them how to plant, water, and harvest.. it’s fun and absolutely fabulous.

That’s why we are doing a super fantastic limited edition photography session featuring just that.. We fashioned it up a bit with some great garden boots.. there is just no way the kiddos regardless of age think they are in a photoshoot, no cheese, no let me get that face it’s all them exploring and learning.. I LOVE this! So Educational, So Fun! Be sure to give us a call and get signed up, it’s amazing!

Dates and time slots are limited so don’t delay!

Love the Boots and his Fascination to Explore!

Whether it was helping to water, or seeing a big tractor at work, their was something fascinating at every turn

Learning, Teaching, or Watching, it’s all good!

It’s also a great time to not have your phone in your hand but leave it to us and truly just enjoy the experience, we will get those images in focus for you! No selfies we see both your arms, and your looking at your precious kids not the screen.

It really is all about taking the time away from electronics, smelling the flowers. It’s bonus learning at the same time, it’s get outdoors, it’s Nature.

Well ok so maybe it’s about touch too (grin)

Watching Airplanes Bonus!

Boots & Living his Best Life