Instagram Shopping LTKI

Shopping has become so fast and easy with the various apps out there. I like many others can be addicted to instagram influencers and assuming they have found the absolute best pricing.

While I agree most influencers are great at sharing some fabulous finds, it’s not always easy for them to know the best place to shop for a product or it’s pricing literally changed within hours or days of their posting.

Thought I’d share an example with you… here I see an adorable little cupcake pedestal..

The LIKEtoKnowit app took me directly to Amazon with pricing of $26.30 for the American Atelier Bianca Cup Cake Pedestal

Maybe it was because the Amazon pedestal was slightly different then the insta pic did I do a ‘google search’ where I found the same style as Amazon at Walmart with a price of $14.29 a 45% savings! if your getting a few sets thats a difference, worth a few quick clicks. (if you notice on the screenshot below the highest price being Overstock

Now I’ve always loved to shop, browsing around to see whats new, the colors, the weights, the texture etc. all come into play. Some of my very favorites finds I wasn’t even looking for and they instantly become must halves! Has that happened to you. If you have the time, it’s sometimes when you do get the very best find.. and yes here I found the very same style as the picture (all the same brand) at Marshalls with a price of $7.99 now there is a savings from the app of $26.30 to $7.99 70% cheaper for exactly what I wanted. If you want a few sets for a party that savings really adds up.

Now honestly I found the little pedestal plates while browsing, then I came home did a search to see if I could find more, and verify pricing etc. I was pleasantly surprised.

Shopping apps can be amazing tools I use them often, never hurts to go back to basic footwork.