Spring Colors!

Yes I am crazy over colors, matching, coordinating etc. it all matters.

When something comes together this amazing it shows!!!  I love #Anthropologie, style, this little sundress doesn’t disappoint, it’s PERFECT!!!  The #potterybarn trunk she’s sitting on is new at the studio and pretty sweet too!

When you coordinate the clothing the background etc. what stands out is your focal point, that FABULOUS FACE!!!  the background and clothing are pretty they do NOT overwhelm or distract you from HER.

This is just not easy to do… for those that want this incredible look, please call the studio I have ordered this dress in a few sizes 2T, 3T, 4T … 5   I will be possibly be keeping one or two and selling the others.

It’s going to be a limited time portrait so if this pro look is for you, don’t wait, get it scheduled.









The colors were so close to the eye I absolutely had to check it, I mean really check the colors down to exactly how close was it…. Whoa check for yourself in the attached it’s as though that dress was custom dyed for the pro paperbackdrop.  The eyedropper shows where the colors were checked and the screen verifies the magic! Whoa!