Holiday Porch Pictures

The BEST pictures are the ones on your walls that make you feel something as you walk by…..

Sometimes those might be a FUNNY and only you know why…  That’s what this one is to me…. I laugh every single time I look at it.

Little Ava has the most exasperated look on her face… how long is this gonna take? what on earth is the photographer doing? I am so bored! SO FUNNY I have never seen her with that expression before or since, it’s priceless to me.  The boys, opposite of their personalities too, everything about this makes me smile…  right down to the kids signing the chalkboard.  That #potterybarnsofa, and our #sledcoffeetable couldn’t compete with the faces haha

It’s  hanging here at #OurWhiteCottage.. for all to see and smile at!  We hope your having a fabulous holiday season and seeing things that make you smile!







Then of course we had our annual Cocoa & Candy Canes always a favorite